Friday, March 12, 2010

Paper concept #1. Blog # 8

My paper will focus on games and their contribution to the academic environment. In my paper I will focus on many aspects of gaming, such as: Multitasking, puzzle solving skills, cultural symbolism, social understanding and games that are being utilized in the gaming system. I will also refer back to the documentary Generation Kill, which aired on HBO a few years ago. In this documentary games were studied to show the effect they had on a US Marines and men serving in Iraq. The documentary explains that, video games introduce us to the cruel reality of war and therefore give a solider a preview of what they could potentially see in combat. Additionally Generation Kill provides information of how video games are creating somewhat of a fearless generation. My paper will argue for the expansion of games being used in the class room in any platform style.


  1. It sounds like your two general topics are education and gaming. I would make sure to keep in mind that since education is one of your general topics it needs to be addressed in depth because right now it sounds like for the most part you plan to just talk about gaming and provide proof that gaming is good for education. Also I am not sure that education alone qualifies as a general topic. Personally I am incorporating the digital divide in my paper in order to address education.

  2. What you have here sounds like a recapitulation of what we have already read in class or what is already argued by many people. Essentially, what you have here is "Gee said some stuff and I agree, and then there was a documentary that said the same thing, and I agree." So?

    If blog post #9 is rich with details, then I will have the opportunity to help you with my comments at that time.

    From the final project assignment sheet:
    * The specific rule of most importance is that you must make an original argument with your work. You must have a thesis that includes with it the “so what” or “who cares” aspect of your argument, and that “so what” or “who cares” part of the analysis must be clear throughout your essay.

    Your proposal should have included what you plan to do (including which general topics from the course that you are going to link together) — this means details and some depth — what you plan to argue (this could include the argument or the research question in advance of the argument, with an hypothesis of the argument you potentially foresee), and how you plan to support the argument (which theories do you see yourself using on either side of your argument, etc).

    All of those elements should be present in blog #9, yet with even more depth than I expected for blog #8, since you will have annotated sources and know how you will be using them in your argument.

    Seize one very specific thing, link it to something else, and argue for the validity of the observation you are making.
