Saturday, April 17, 2010

Presentation Day #2


I think you are on to something with administrative proposal. Like Julie said in class, it’s hard to pitch a business plan for an imaginary clientele. You’ve done some really good thinking and research for your proposal. I think, like you mentioned in your presentation, after the technology has been implemented into the school system we will need a plan to make sure it is still being properly utilized. Good job


Gaming and the bad representation it can take on, is what I came away from your presentation with. More importantly you’ve put some good man-hours in researching the Da Vinci Surgical System. This example alone should support your argument, that gaming is affecting technology and the way it’s developed. I fully agree that simulations of any type can be linked back to simple video games. Good stuff buddy


You need to not suck so bad, make you argument clear and focus on “Representational competence” .


You focused on the advantages and some disadvantages of having social networking with us at all times. There is defiantly some interesting content here and I think the three or Four “C” directions are the way to go. I think if you show more personalized examples (like your grandparents pictures) of the bridging between the old and new and the accessibility of old content on the web you thesis will come together nicely. You have all the content its just putting it in the right order. 5 stars for presentational RAD-ness !


Really enjoyed your topic and I feel you had some really good content. There was allot of detail in your presentation, which some of it, I feel could be left out. You were really on to something when you talked about the graphic nature video games have. I don’t think video games can physically prepare soldiers for combat but I think video games have some what desensitized the modern solider. The grenade talk in your presentation also presented a good point. In real life we cant throw grenades four hundred feet with perfect accuracy but effectively that’s where we can draw the line. We learn what the grenade can do, what it looks like, its name and so forth in the video game, but we also know we cant chuck it a million miles. A lot of good content and a very interesting topic.
Nice work.

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